we are Mori no Uta Farm.
In the northernmost tip of Honshu Island.
Mukatsuku Peninsula of Yamaguchi Prefecture is surrounded by the ocean and the sky.
Here, everyone in Mori no Uta Farm live from the blessings of nature
with many organisms such as ricefish, frogs, and fireflies.
We ourselves are aware that we are part of the cycle of nature.
And appreciate everything while listening to the many sounds of nature…
To Farm Delicious Rice
We dedicate these things in our rice farming, with love and effort.
To make “good rice” that has a profound taste, and not only fills your appetite but your life as well.
The 5 “Good Vibes” of Our Rice
What Our
Customers Say
From brown rice to permaculture schools, yoga, meditation… Mori no Uta Farm has many faces. What kind of place is it? We asked some of our customers about Mori no Uta Farm.
Morinouta Online Store
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Information READ MORE
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